FUCHS Blender Sifter Granulator

MIXOMAT tumbling drum blender; mixing drum capacity ranges from 3-400l;
SIFTOMAT plansifter, CONTROMAT control sifter;
GRANOMAT toth disk mill

Drum Blender MIXOMAT

· Blending
· Homogenising
· Inking
· Blending sedimented liquids
· Dissolving solid matters in liquids  
· Metal or plastic parts polishing and deburing
· etc.

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Plansifter SIFTOMAT

· Sizing
· Control and safety sifting
· Dedusting

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Control Sifter CONTROMAT



Tothed Disk Mill GRANOMAT

The type GU 2600 Granomat toothed disk mill is ideal for milling products such as sweet. corn, cereals, stark, minerals, chemical and pharmaceutical products, etc. without producing too much flour.

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